Dear Pastors/Administrators/PLDs/Business Managers/Principals. Since 2004, it has been required that the “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse” brochures be displayed in a prominent place in each church vestibule as well as the parish, school, and religious education offices. These brochures are an important part of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ commitment to the USCCB Charter for Protecting Children and Young People. This Charter calls for us as a Church to be transparent by providing parents/guardians and caring adults with the necessary information, resources, and contacts they need to help prevent child sexual abuse and to be able to report suspected child sexual abuse within our parishes, schools, homes, or community. Click on the link below to submit your 2024-2025 Working Together Brochures order. 2024 – 2025 Working Together Order Form Thank you for your continued commitment to protecting our children and young people during these challenging times. Office of Safeguard the Children