Dear Brothers: Following today’s announcement of the agreement in principle to resolve the civil claims under AB 218, attached please find documents that may serve as resources for you to address this matter and help provide pastoral outreach to foster healing and reaffirm our commitment to prevent abuse and protect the vulnerable in our Archdiocese. The attached documents include:
* A message from Archbishop Gomez to our community of faith regarding the settlement. We ask that you please share the Archbishop’s letter with your communities by reading the letter at Masses and/or printing and distributing the letter to the faithful in your ministries. * 2024 Protect Flier in English and Spanish that can be shared with the Archbishop’s letter. The flier is also available to download online in Chinese, Tagalog and Vietnamese at
* Bulletin announcement and pulpit announcement to introduce Archbishop’s letter. * A timeline of steps taken by the Archdiocese for the prevention of abuse and in support of survivor-victims as well as the Protect flier with information on the abuse prevention policies and programs, both in English and Spanish, which can be printed and distributed along with the Archbishop’s letter. * Resources points that may be of help in your communications regarding this matter. * Message from Dr. Heather Banis, Coordinator for the Office of Victims Assistance Ministry, which may serve as a resource to speak to those who may have been harmed by abuse. * Prayer in English and Spanish that can be read at Mass, gatherings and can be distributed. * The full story in Angelus on the settlement that can be shared with your community can be found at * Social posts with Archbishop’s message can also be shared on parish social channels<> This information can be found online<>. This web portal also provides additional information about that settlement. Please feel free to refer inquiries to this web portal for more information on the settlement.
We hope these resources will help you in providing pastoral care and guidance during this challenging time as this news may be difficult and may open wounds left by the abuse crisis for many in our Church. Thank you for sharing this information widely in your communities.
May Our Lady of the Angels keep our community of faith under the mantel of her protection and that through her intercession we may find healing and comfort in God’s loving mercy.
With continued prayers and blessings, Fr. Jim Anguiano Moderator of the Curia