Dear Brothers and All in Parish Leadership,
Now that the major party conventions are over, are our people clearer about how they might help decide the future direction of our country? Maybe it’s a question that needs to begin with us, even before we guide our parishioners.
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops maintains resources for “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” via their website: It includes their quadrennial publication ahead of the national elections (in English and Spanish).
New this year: video series in 4 languages. (For each language group, the last is a composite of the above four.)
English |
Spanish |
Vietnamese |
Filipino (Tagalog) |
Catholics Participate in Public Life |
Catholics Protect Human Life and Dignity |
Catholics Promote the Common Good |
Catholics Love Their Neighbors |
Faithful Citizens Work with Christ as He Builds His Kingdom |
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
In my position I must often communicate with the worldly. At times I let my tongue run, for if I am always severe in my judgments, the worldly will avoid me, and I can never attack them as I would. As a result I often listen patiently to chatter. And because I too am weak, I find myself drawn little by little into idle conversation, and I begin to talk freely about matters which once I would have avoided. What once I found tedious I now enjoy. --From a homily on Ezekiel by Saint Gregory the Great, pope
O God, who care for your people with gentleness
and rule them in love,
through the intercession of Pope Saint Gregory,
endow, we pray, with a spirit of wisdom
those to whom you have given authority to govern.
--From the Collect, Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, pope.