Our Lady of Charity St. Vincent de Paul in Lancaster, CA
Conference Mission Statement
Our mission is to bear witness to Christ and to His Church by showing that the faith of Christians inspires them to work for the good of their fellow human beings; to bring together men and women of good will and to assist them, by mutual example and true friendship, to draw nearer to their Divine Model, Jesus Christ, by fulfilling His commandment—namely the love of God in their fellow man by establishing a personal contact between its members and those who are suffering, and to bring to the suffering the most efficacious aid possible.
President’s Board
Paul Skinner
Vice Presidents Frank Guilles Robert Weber Special Council Susan Ortega Spiritual Advisor
Jeannie Fisher Treasurer Mike Nesel Corresponding & Recording
Diane Jones - Monday Duongha (Mary) Lieu - Wednesay Grants & Fundraising April Nemilia
Prayer for the Canonization of
Blessed Frederic Ozanam
God, our Father, you alone have the power to bestow those precious gifts of yours which we rightly call miracles. If it be your will, be pleased to grant such a gift on all those suffering from Covid-19. We humbly ask that you grant this favor so that Blessed Frederic Ozanam may be canonized by our Holy Mother the Church. we make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.
November is the Month of the Souls in Purgatory
Prayer to Our Lady of Charity “Dear Mother Mary, Our Lady of Charity, I come before you, with faith and devotion.
Pray for me that I may grow deeply in my spiritual journey. Give me the wisdom to discern with clear understanding the holy path to my walk of faith. Guide me to help the poor with love and compassion.
Dear God, bless me with your bountiful grace that I may serve You with humility and joy. This I ask, through our Lady’s intercession in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
By Lilia Alilain
November 2024 Feeding & Events Calendar Thank you to all our volunteers!
K of C Rosamond
Mary M.
Women of Grace
K of C 4th Deg. Assembly #73
Miriam Sisters
Hispanic Ministry
K of C Lancaster
AVVA (Binh/TC)
Saints Constantine and Helen
Thanksgiving Day
President's Message
Dear Vincentian Family, It is November and the push is on for our Fall Food Drive and the Thanksgiving Food Basket Distribution. Thanks to Sharon, and several volunteers who stayed after the meeting, the fall food drive bags are ready to go.
The dates are as follows:
Garage Sale Site 2:November 2nd November 2& 3: Church announcements for the food drive November 2& 3: SV volunteers pass out bags at both churches after each Mass November 9& 10: Pick up donations at both churches November 10: Paraclete Students sort food November 26: Food Distribution November 27: Closed November 30: Closed
We always need volunteers, please check with the office if you are available for any of these events.
October 12th was our Quarterly Mass. Our potluck was cancelled due to the church’s St. Serra Feast Celebration. Jeannie and Candace honored those SV volunteers who have been with us 5 years or more, have taken a leadership position, who are there for our extra activities, and put in additional hours above and beyond the call of duty.
Those honored were: Mary Jo (kitchen mgr), Robert (pantry mgr), Mike (IT & Treasurer), Joe (homeless desk mgr), Bob (site 2 mgr), Paul (dining area mgr and president), Lilia (feeding calendar mgr & Past Spiritual Adviser). Susan was honored for volunteering with us for 25 years and is a past president.
We have invited a new group of teenagers who need community service hours. The organization is called PESA: Parents, Educators, and Students in Action. The juveniles who are on probation have a counselor who sponsors and volunteers to stay next to them at all times while at the St. Vincent’s feeding area. So far it has worked smoothly and the PESA group has helped us out in all the things we have asked them to do. It is a blessing for their organization and ours.
I cannot thank all of you enough for the commitment that you have made to SV. It is a lot of work and a lot of your time. You make my job easier, and I greatly appreciate it.
God Bless, Paul
The Didache
Chapter 5.The Way of Death. And the way of death is this: First of all it is evil and accursed: murders, adultery, lust, fornication, thefts, idolatries, magic arts, witchcrafts, rape, false witness, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, deceit, haughtiness, depravity, self-will, greediness, filthy talking, jealousy, over-confidence, loftiness, boastfulness; persecutors of the good, hating truth, loving a lie, not knowing a reward for righteousness, not cleaving to good nor to righteous judgment, watching not for that which is good, but for that which is evil; from whom meekness and endurance are far, loving vanities, pursuing revenge, not pitying a poor man, not laboring for the afflicted, not knowing Him Who made them, murderers of children, destroyers of the handiwork of God, turning away from him who is in want, afflicting him who is distressed, advocates of the rich, lawless judges of the poor, utter sinners. Be delivered, children, from all these.
Light Burden
“For my yoke is easy and my burden light”. It is important to read the words which come before the “easy” and the “light”. Jesus indicates that life can be burdensome and weary our spirit. At times life seems to be without joy.
Jesus offers the following: “Come to me, all you are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh your”. The solution is a closer walk with Jesus. Love lightens the burdens of life. Without love, every molehill is a mountain. With love we can face life with confidence.
Coming to Jesus with his easy yoke and light burden should not be misunderstood. Jesus is not offering a free pass or an exemption from life’s burden. Jesus came to preach the good news not a fairy tale. What Jesus does is promise that he will be our “fellow sufferer and companion”, the one who understands. Burdens are removed by being accepted and are transformed by love and grace. That is the transformation promised by Jesus, and for those who are faithful to the end there is hope of eternal life and joy without end.
Fr. Werner, O.S.B.
Prayer Corner
Prayers for our clients, that their needs be met with compassion. Prayers for our Church and community, that more people join us contributing their time, talent, and treasure.
Anyone who wishes to add names can contact SVDP at[email protected]. We would love to hear from you and hope that all our fellow Vincentians will lift all people in prayer.
NOTE:Site 2 will be open as much as possible during construction. Please reach out to SVDP at[email protected]to check in before making the trip.
Site 2 Donation Information
Clean, usable clothing, shoes and small yard sale items are what we are currently in need of.
Donations accepted Mon., Wed,Sat. from 9:30 - 11:30am.
Current Hours:
Site 1: M, W, Sa:9am-11:30am (Meals distributedfrom 9-9:30am) Haircuts on Mondays by appointment. Food donations welcome anytime we are open!
Site 2: M, W, Sa:9am-11:30am
Next Yardsale:November 2
All proceeds benefiting SVdP here in Lancaster. It'll befrom 8am to 11:30amat site 2. We cannot make it a success without volunteers. So any time you can give is needed and appreciated. Set upstarts around 7am.
From our quarterly mass. Thank you to all that could attend.
GoFundMe Link Now Live!
We now have our GoFundMe thanks to April (and all who contributed) for our Construction Campaign.
Please share it with friends, family, children, grandchildren, pets, churches, FaceBook, Instagram. . . . . .
We need to get ourGoFundMeout there to get our building at Site 2 completed.