Thanks Toyota of Lancaster and Julio Puzon have facilitated for us to have a Toyota pick up truck for auctioning off!
Our hope is that, we would make some capital gain from selling tickets for this truck; however, until now, we've only got about $18K of selling of tickets; on the other hand, the truck itself costs about $26K; therefore, if we were to auction it off right now, we would lost about $8K.
Please help us, as we be able to help you to get a brand new 2021 Toyota
pick up truck for $39.99/ticket; if you're buying 4 tickets, it'd only cost you $100.
¡Gracias Toyota de Lancaster y Julio Puzon nos han facilitado tener una camioneta Toyota para subastar!
Nuestra esperanza es que obtendríamos alguna ganancia de capital vendiendo boletos para este camión; sin embargo, hasta ahora, solo tenemos alrededor de $18K de venta de boletos; por otro lado, el camión en sí cuesta alrededor de $26K; por lo tanto, si lo subastáramos ahora mismo, perderíamos alrededor de $8K.
Por favor ayúdenos, ya que podemos ayudarle a conseguir una camioneta 2021 Toyota pick up nueva por $39.99 / boleto; si compra 4 boletos, solo le costará $100.