In response to the horrific fires which have ravaged areas of the archdiocese, the outpouring of prayer and generous monetary support for our sisters and brothers in need has been overwhelming. Equally overwhelming has been the number of fire victims who have requested our assistance. Because of the generosity of parishes and individuals and dioceses in California and throughout the country, we have been able to assist over 1000 people with our wild fire victims emergency relief fund.
As we begin the last week of January and the final week for the second collections to take place in our parishes, could you please send the check for the collected amount as early this coming week as possible? You may send the check to me or to Catherine Fraser, our Director of Development. Additionally, could you send a short email to me ([email protected]) or to Catherine ([email protected]), indicating the amount so that we can determine how much longer we can offer the grants?
Once again, grateful thanks to all who have assisted in this relief effort. Your generosity, your willingness to be of service, your desire to assist in anyway needed, are deeply appreciated. During this time of extraordinary need, you have truly responded to Jesus words," whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me (Mt. 25:40) ." May our gracious and loving. God bless you abundantly.