Our Lady of Charity St. Vincent de Paul in Lancaster, CA
Conference Mission Statement
Our mission is to bear witness to Christ and to His Church by showing that the faith of Christians inspires them to work for the good of their fellow human beings; to bring together men and women of good will and to assist them, by mutual example and true friendship, to draw nearer to their Divine Model, Jesus Christ, by fulfilling His commandment—namely the love of God in their fellow man by establishing a personal contact between its members and those who are suffering, and to bring to the suffering the most efficacious aid possible.
President’s Board
Paul Skinner
Vice Presidents Frank Guilles Robert Weber Special Council Susan Ortega Spiritual Advisor
Jeannie Fisher Treasurer Mike Nesel Corresponding & Recording
Diane Jones - Monday Duongha (Mary) Lieu - Wednesay Grants & Fundraising April Nemilia
Prayer for the Canonization of
Blessed Frederic Ozanam
God, our Father, you alone have the power to bestow those precious gifts of yours which we rightly call miracles. If it be your will, be pleased to grant such a gift on all those suffering from Covid-19. We humbly ask that you grant this favor so that Blessed Frederic Ozanam may be canonized by our Holy Mother the Church. we make this prayer through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son.
February is the Month of the Holy Family
Prayer to Our Lady of Charity “Dear Mother Mary, Our Lady of Charity, I come before you, with faith and devotion.
Pray for me that I may grow deeply in my spiritual journey. Give me the wisdom to discern with clear understanding the holy path to my walk of faith. Guide me to help the poor with love and compassion.
Dear God, bless me with your bountiful grace that I may serve You with humility and joy. This I ask, through our Lady’s intercession in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
By Lilia Alilain
February 2025 Feeding & Events Calendar Thank you to all our volunteers!
K of C Rosamond
Jane K St Marys
Women of Grace
K of C 4th Deg. Assembly #73
Miriam Sister Meeting
Hispanic Ministry
K of C Lancaster
B. Tran & TC /AVVA
Saints Constantine & Helen
K of C Lancaster
Mary M. Meeting
tentative yard sale
Message from our President
Hello Vincentians, January and February are quiet months to give us a little reprieve before our Easter Food Basket Giveaway and our food drive begin.
We will have the food drive after Easter to make it closer to 6 months between food drives. If anyone can assist with finding tote bags for senior home deliveries and hams (not canned) for our Easter food giveaway, suggestions will be appreciated. Easter distribution is scheduled forApril 15th.
We want to thank Francisco with 4 th Degree Knights for putting us on Albertson’s donation list.
The annual meeting for the Skirball Center isMarch 3 rd. The office will need all who want to attend to sign up when the sign up link is sent to us.
We may have people coming in who have been displaced by the fires needing assistance. Please send them to the Family Desk (singles and families) for processing and verification. We will give them a helping hand to get them through the next few months.
We want to thank Sacred Heart School students who are participating in the monthly lunch program. We greatly appreciate their generosity.
Site 2 has tentative plans to restart the garage saleson March 1 st, depending on weather. If you have any garage sale items to donate, please bring to site 1 during construction.
We are getting a lot of new friends in need for the Homeless Desk and for food out the door, it is important that we make the next food drive successful. We will need everyone to help pass out bags after each Mass. Let them see our smiling, grateful faces. It makes a huge difference to have you personally hand them a bag.
God Bless, Paul
The Didache
The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations.
. Chapter 8.Fasting and Prayer (the Lord's Prayer). But let not your fasts be with the hypocrites, for they fast on the second and fifth day of the week. Rather, fast on the fourth day and the Preparation (Friday). Do not pray like the hypocrites, but rather as the Lord commanded in His Gospel, like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily (needful) bread, and forgive us our debt as we also forgive our debtors. And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one (or, evil); for Thine is the power and the glory for ever..
Pray this three times each day.
A Prayer from Fr. Phil Llanos
As I’ve been talking to people about Christmas 2024, they are saying it is such a strange Christmas living in the aftermath of the elections. Seems like the country is more divided now than ever. Democratic family members are writing off family who voted for Trump. “You will no longer be a part of your children’s and grandchildren’s life for the Christmas holiday season and the coming New Year.” People fear the end of Democracy, a woman’s right to abortion, and mass deportation of millions of illegal aliens. COVID is still here and Respiratory Syncytial Virus and the flu season are also in the news. These especially are of concern for the young and elderly. Many are concerned about a whole new set of factors that affect our celebration of Christmas and the beginning of the New Year.
In the Old Testament Israel awaited hundreds of years for the coming of the Messiah – the birth of Christ Our Lord. They had great hopes to take off the robes of misery and mourning and to be clothed in the splendor of God. There were hundreds of years of anticipation and hope in the future. This month we have a new president and administration. We too have looked forward with anticipation and hope.
We can only hope the next four years will be better than the past four years. The good and wellbeing of America should not be a political issue. Whether Democrat or Republican the wellbeing and prosperity of America should be a shared and universal goal. It is only the beginning of the New Year and the new people elected on the federal, state and local governments.
We must pray for our political and governmental leaders. Their success is our success. Let us focus on what unites us and not on what divides us. May the Lord bless us and America now and throughout the new year.
Prayer Corner
Prayers for our clients, that their needs be met with compassion. Prayers for our Church and community, that more people join us contributing their time, talent, and treasure.
Anyone who wishes to add names can contact SVDP at[email protected]. We would love to hear from you and hope that all our fellow Vincentians will lift all people in prayer.
NOTE:Site 2 will be open as much as possible during construction. Please reach out to SVDP at[email protected]to check in before making the trip.
Site 2 Donation Information
Clean, usable clothing, shoes and small yard sale items are what we are currently in need of.
Donations accepted Mon., Wed,Sat. from 9:30 - 11:30am.
Current Hours:
Site 1: M, W, Sa:9am-11:30am (Meals distributedfrom 9-9:30am) Haircuts on Mondays by appointment. Food donations welcome anytime we are open!
Site 2: M, W, Sa:9am-11:30am
Next Yardsale: Spring 2025
The next yard sale is TENTATIVELY scheduled forMarch 1. We'll post to ourFB pageonce it is confirmed. Thank you to all who have helped this year and look forward to seeing you again once it warms up!
GoFundMe Link Now Live!
We now have our GoFundMe thanks to April (and all who contributed) for our Construction Campaign.
Please share it with friends, family, children, grandchildren, pets, churches, FaceBook, Instagram. . . . . .
We need to get ourGoFundMeout there to get our building at Site 2 completed.