Thanks to all for assisting our sisters and brothers who have suffered because of the wildfire destruction they have experienced. As of yesterday afternoon, the temporary close of the funding period, through your tireless efforts we have assisted 1780 individuals/households.
We are grateful for your notification of second collection amounts That is encouraging as we try to close the shortfall. We encourage those parishes which have not yet done a collection to do so. Many, many of our parish communities have already done collections, some even taking up collections on more than one weekend. The outpouring of compassion that is reflected by our archdiocesan family and by others from various dioceses and parts of the country has been inspiring. You may wish to encourage individuals to donate using the portal on the Lacatholics website if they prefer. The link is:
A reminder that we cannot provide any monetary grants at this time. If you have entered information regarding those to whom you have given grants on the web form which populates the website, your parish will be reimbursed within a few days or week. Beginning today, if you should choose to give additional grants, those funds will have to come from your parish budgets and unfortunately will not be reimbursed.
If we receive additional donations we hope to resume the distribution of these funds on a limited basis but until then, it might be a good idea to get the information requested on the form for those awaiting assistance whom you cannot fund and let them know that you will contact them if and when funding resumes.
Once again, grateful thanks to all who have assisted in this relief effort. Your generosity, your willingness to be of service, your desire to assist in any way needed, are deeply appreciated. During this time of extraordinary need, you have truly responded to Jesus words,” whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, you do to me (Mt. 25:40).” May our gracious and loving. God bless you abundantly.
Catherine Fraser
Sister Anncarla Costello